South America

Flashing Light
The Joe Show
Deck Skills
Celestial Nav.
Ship Structure
Rules of the Road
Ship and Cargo Ops.
Shanties and Sea Lore
World Port/Drink Guide
Ship Security

Because there is another America out there somewhere



   Unlike most ports on Golden Bear cruises, Lima has no real central bar for cadets, everyone finds their own favorite. A big town, Lima has lots to offer, but heads up, it's a little dangerous. The safer, more touristy region of Miraflores is a decent cab ride from the ports, and here you can find Americanized favorites like Pizza Hut, Starbucks, and yes, even a Hooter's. There are small shops in this area, though a little pricey. A short walk away you'll find a bustling town square that occasionally has open air markets and even more shopping and Americanization (McDonald's and a Burger King). If you can find a cabbie who knows what the hell you're talking about, the Black Market (though translated from Mercado Azul (Blue Market)) is the place to find anything you want, dirt cheap. DVDs, 10 for $2, American branded jeans and clothing 1/10th the normal price, liquor and sweets a bit cheaper than average. Where else could you find Bailey's in South America?
   If you're looking for a bit more of a historical tour, the Catacombs underneath one of the cathedrals there are quite a trip. Piles and piles of bones neatly arranged in a dungeon, a bit creepy but kinda neat.
What to drink:
 -Pisco Sour: Local drink that's not so bad. Made with Pisco (a local liquor), egg, lime juice, and liquid sugar, it's a little funny to look at, but tastes alright, and will get you messed up in a bad way.