Here are the Training Ship Golden Bear's Vessel Particulars, as per the CMA Cruise Handbook 2007, which is posted on the CMA
website and available to anyone to browse. Here's the link. The particulars are on page 25.
2008 Cruise Handbook
Length Overall (LOA)
499.8 ft
Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP)
462.1 ft
Beam (moulded)
72 ft
Height of Ship (Keel to Mast top)
151 ft
Air Draft (at Max Operating Draft)
120.5 ft
Displacement Tonnage (Design Draft)
15,928 lt
Gross Registered Tonnage
10,939 lt
Type of Machinery (Main Engines)
2 Medium Speed Diesels ("Thumper" and "Bambi")
Manufacturer and Model
Enterprise r5 v-16
Maximum Continuous Rating
8,500 bhp each
Sustained Operating Speed
20 knots
Endurance at design draft and 20 knots
17,820 nm
Generator Output
2700 kw
5 bladed, 19.5 ft diameter
2 x Baldt stockless, 10,000 lbs each
Year Built
Total Accommodations