What are the sailings? They're the collective calculations needed to compute course and distance for a voyage. There are both
plane and spherical sailings, and each has its own particular use. Plane sailings work on shorter voyages of several hundred
miles or less as they don't account for the curvature of the earth and are less accurate on a larger scale. Spherical sailings
do account for the curvature of the earth and are more accurate on the larger scale, though they don't involve simply geometry
and plane trigonometry like the plane sailings do.
Plane Sailings
Parallel Sailings
Mercator Sailings
Mid-Latitude Sailings
Great Circle Sailings
Composite Sailings
Terms to Remember
P1 = Point of Departure
P2 = Longitude of Arrival
L1 = Latitude of Departure
λ1 = Longitude of Departure
L2 = Latitude of Arrival
λ2 = Longitude of Arrival
l = Difference of Latitude
DLo = Difference of Longitude
CN = True Course
C = Course Angle
p = Departure; difference in longitude (in nm)