Here's what we've observed to be the basics of the uniforms
and grooming standards, but as these are merely our observations and opinions, the link below sends you right to the school's
official section on Uniforms and Grooming.
Official School Info

-Nametag goes one-quarter inch above your right pocket. A tip to keep it
looking nice is to use the excess webbing from your belt and place it on the inside of your shirt before sticking the points
of the tag through. This will not only keep the tag from rubbing your chest raw, it will also keep the tag from drooping,
and looks much more presentable.
-Collar device goes roughly one inch from point of collar
-Keep dress caps
in the boxes they come in to keep clean
-Buy two black belts. You need one for your work uniform and one for your
dress uniform and if you get paint on the work belt you cannot use it as part of your dress uniform
-Buy lots of black
socks. Cheap ones. You'll need no white socks for any uniform
-Iron uniforms at least once per semester. More frequently
is a bit excessive, and less is just sloppy.
-The closer you shave, the less often you have to shave. If you shave
extra close on Monday, you may be able to get away with not shaving Tuesday, depending on how fast you regrow stubble
generally presentable, no matter what. If you look sloppy and you get called on it, fix whatever is wrong, and quickly. We
all like to be a little lax, but nobody likes a whiner. Freddy had a full beard and hair down to my shoulders when Freddy
stepped onto campus and was clean shaven and groomed before dinner that night.
-You'll be given two complete sets
of khaki uniforms. The most common way to wear them is to wear one set for a week, then switch and wear the other set the
next week. This way you'll only have to do laundry every two weeks, and you'll still be fairly fresh. Note: Wear an undershirt,
-Closed toed shoes are required at all times around campus, and you will not be allowed to board the Golden
Bear at all without them.
-Shine your shoes at least once per semester. It's a pain but they do look a lot nicer afterward.
-How To: Shine Shoes
-SHOE SHINING LESSON will eventually be posted, stay tuned
-Learn to tie a tie
(hopefully we'll have a demo some day). It's just something you're going to have to know for the rest of your life, get used
to it. The full or double Windsor is shown and is generally preferred.
-If you receive ribbons or awards, it is permissible
to wear them on your khaki uniform. They are to be worn about one half-inch above your left pocket. If not worn with the khaki
uniform, they are generally expected to be presented on the Dress Uniform jacket, in the same location.
-Caps and
covers are at no time to be worn indoors. When you enter a room, take it off, it's a sign of respect.