Time of Slack/Max Current

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Because it's hard to swim uphill

Solving for currents is fairly similar to solving for tides in that you have a subordinate and reference station, corrections, and interpolations. Only this time you're using slightly different numbers.

Step 1: Build A Table, like the one at right.
 -The headings will line up with the corrections from the Tidal Current Tables (TCT).
Step 2: Find your station's index number in the back of the TCT
Step 3: In the corrections section of the TCT, use your index number to find the corrections for your station. Note these corrections under the correct headings in your table
Step 4: Note which station the corrections are to be applied toward
Step 5: Turn to the Daily Pages for the correct reference station and pull of the values that you need.
 -For each day, the times in the left half of the column are the times of slack water, the times on the right are for either Max Flood or Ebb, and the farthest right numbers are the applicable speeds of the current, noted as either F (flood) or E (ebb)
Step 6: Add or subtract the corrections to your reference station number to get the times of max currents at your subordinate station.

MBF (time)
F (time)
MBE (time)
E (time)
F (speed)
E (speed)
F (direction)
E (direction)
Reference Station

Subordinate Station


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